Most websites don’t accomplish the ideal goals of getting leads, phone calls, or e-commerce sales. Why not? It is simply because most don’t have the right information (data tracking), and then they either don’t understand the correct strategies or don’t bother implementing the right strategy.
This course will teach you how to set up Google’s free data tracking tools (Analytics, Tag Manager, Search Console). Then, using the information from those tools, you will learn how to develop Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategies and skills.
Why is this important? By implementing these strategies, your business will improve its rankings on Google, generating more website traffic. More traffic should result in more phone calls, filled-out website forms, and other types of leads. This approach should increase the sales of your business.
Course Content
Website Data Tracking
- Configuring Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager
- Setting Up Filters
- Setting Up Goals
Using Your Data to Make Smart Marketing Decisions
- The 3 Pillars of Digital Marketing
- Calculating Value Per Visitor
- Learning to Pull the Right Marketing Lever
Key Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Principles
- How Google Works
- 3 SEO Rules to Not Break
- 5 SEO Strategies that Improve Your Google Rankings
The Power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
- PPC Account Structures & Bidding Options
- Maximizing PPC ROI
- The Search Network
- The Display Network
- Other PPC Options
Course Impact
This course can benefit anyone who works with websites or anyone who supervises sales and marketing teams. It is also a good course for high-level executives who need to familiarize themselves with best practices of running a website.
Course Logistics
100% online, led by instructor
On-demand access, 15 weeks to complete
5-6 hours of lecture, readings, and self-reflection
Available on Demand
Get a Certificate

This course is a part of the Digital Transformation Certificate.
This online certificate is designed to challenge you and help you grow as a leader and individual. Understand how you can use digital marketing, information systems, block chain, and other tools to transform your digital space and strategy.
Course Faculty

Bruce Rowe
Bruce was born in Washington, D.C., and he spent his teenage years in Boca Raton, Florida. He completed his BS degree from BYU & master’s degree from Idaho State University. He discovered Internet Marketing in 2003 while increasing the sales and profits for his employer. Bruce saw an opportunity to create a company that provides effective and accountable Internet Marketing services. Since 2005, Sebo Marketing has helped clients in over 40 states and ten countries.
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