Leaders spend 30 to 50% of their time making decisions, but many turn out to be poor. Through this course, you will learn where to look for strategic problems and opportunities, and then you will decide which ones you should tackle. You will learn how to structure problems, get to the underlying cause, and choose alternatives. Through taking this approach, you will use problem-solving techniques to include the perspectives of different people. These techniques will then be applied to strategic problems and common personal dilemmas. You will walk away from this course with an improved ability to make good, strategic decisions.
- What is strategy
- Strategic versus tactical problems
- Prioritizing problems and opportunities
- Problem statements
- Generating options and alternatives
- Choosing an option and making decisions
This class will benefit anyone in a role that has or will need to make tough decisions. It is designed to help you learn how to make strategic decisions in your personal and professional life. This will especially benefit leaders looking to develop their strategic skillset and feel confident in their decisions.
100% online
15 weeks
5-6 hours
Available On-Demand
Get a Certificate

This course is a part of the MBA Foundations Certificate. Participants who complete the certificate will receive a $500 scholarship applicable towards the tuition of any of the four MBA programs at the University of Utah.* Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to meet with one of our directors to discuss career goals.
*To qualify for the scholarship, participants must apply for the MBA program and be admitted. The scholarship is eligible for up to 18 months after completing the MBA Foundations certificate.
Proof of accomplishment

In addition to developing knowledge and skills, you will receive SHRM credits as proof of your accomplishment.
Eccles Executive Education is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRMSCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 5.5 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Bonita Austin, MBA
Bonita Austin has a background in securities analysis and is a Professor (Lecturer) in the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Department at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, where she has received many teaching awards. As an Institutional Investor’s All American All Star Analyst and Senior Vice President at Lehman Brothers, her work was frequently cited in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Business Week, Fortune, and Forbes.
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