Our Vision

The Institute for Community Health and Development focuses on the integration of health and economic development to advance the well-being of families and communities through impact-driven research and innovation. The programs and facility serve as an entrepreneurial hub and a physical manifestation of the Ensign Global College’s mission to improve community health and well-being and reduce global poverty through economic self-reliance.
The Institute for Community Health and Development (ICHD) will lead the advancement of community health and economic development through culturally relevant and appropriate, innovative, cost-effective, research-driven programs founded on the philosophy of community engagement. We hold a deeply rooted commitment to community-based participatory engagement and the target beneficiaries of the initiatives will be active participants in their own health and economic development. This approach adds intrinsic value and sustainability through more favorable acceptance in the communities where the programs are implemented.
The building will provide space for research, education, community-engaged training, and collaborative learning. The building’s design provides multiple configurations of training rooms, research and instruction laboratories, and a large auditorium for large trainings and conferences. Using state of the art education resources, principles and practices, and developing innovative technologies, this project will serve to both enhance the existing health and business workforce and support the experiential learning and development of the emerging workforce and markets.
The institute will also engage stakeholders from within local, regional, and national health systems, training them in the implementation of successful programs and supporting their adoption of the demonstrated best practices and evidence-based approaches that will strengthen health and economic systems and promote further sustainable development in Ghana, throughout West Africa, and across the African continent.
USAID grant awarded
Architect selected
Architectural plans finalized
Groundbreaking ceremony
Site evaluation
Contractor selected
Construction begins
Program development begins
Construction complete
Programming begins

Our Mission
Health 2 Go

Health 2 Go creates capacity for communities to be healthy, well, and self-reliant by working with Community-Based Agents. This program is supported by the Institute for Community Health and Development.