The School of Accounting
Advisory Board
Jerry Bregg
Advisory Board President
The School of Accounting has a National Advisory Board that provides feedback and updates on the state of accounting in the business world. The board consists of leaders from the accounting profession from Utah and around the country. Members of the board are active in assisting with student placement, recruiting students into the program and helping us reach out to our alumni.
Barbi Anderson
Tax Partner, Deloitte
Douglas (Doug) Arveseth
Private, Tax Services, Partner, PWC
Kent Bodily
Principle, CLA
Tyler Brown
Director, Grant Thornton
Jonyce Bullock
Office Managing Partner, Squire
Cleon Butterfield
David Chidester
Partner, Rees Capital
Aaron Cowan
Managing Director, Charles Schwab
Joni Fisher
Associate Director/Univ. Relations, Director EYARC, EY
Jodie Hewitson
Tax Partner, Tanner LLC
Janis Kline
CFO, 2.0 Ventures
Jonathan Liechty
Partner, KPMG
Brian McCallion
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
Dan Mitchell
CFO, Onbrand/Patoana
Anfissa Smith
VP Finance, Mercat Partners
Roger Smith
Principal, LonePeak Valuation Group
Susan Speirs
Howard Stoker
Partner, EY
Luke Taylor
Partner, Eide Bailly
Allen Westergard
Partner, BDO
Chad Whitehead
Partner-Assurance Services, EY
Brandon Wilcox
Audit Partner, KPMG
Katy Bacca
Forensic Accounting Associate, Lone Peak Valuation Group
Mitch Cahoon
Audit Associate, Traeger
Ericka Sieger
Vice President, Goldman Sachs
Tanner Rasmussen
Audit Manager, Tanner, LLC