Making Events Accessible

Below you will find suggestions for making your events more accessible.

Registration Forms

  • Include a question such as “Do you require any accessibility materials or accommodations?” This gives you advance notice allowing you to work with the campus ADA office if necessary.


Event Planning

  • Attendees may need breaks due to medical needs (i.e., insulin, breastfeeding, mental health accommodations, etc.) Schedule breaks as appropriate.
  • Keep to the schedule as much as possible so attendees can plan how to take care of their needs in gaps.
  • If there are room changes, give ample time for transition between rooms.

Potential Accommodations

Visual Impairment

  • When presenting, have the speakers describe pertinent visual information.
  • In addition to presentation slides, offer handouts or online materials. Ensure electronic files are adjustable regarding font size, spacing, or colors.

Hard of Hearing

  • When running virtual events, ensure that captions are enabled.
  • Arrange for good visibility and provide interpreters when possible.


  • Be mindful of seating, spacing in the room, and accessibility to the restrooms. If nearby restrooms do not have automatic doors, consider propping open the door during the event.