
MSF students have access to a number of career management resources, including a dedicated career coach who works one-on-one with students. We are committed to providing resources to help students maximize their graduate education and succeed as finance professionals.

Whether you’re coming into the MSF program with a plan in place, or you’re hoping to discover new territory that will ignite your passion, career management programs will test your theories and expand your idea of what’s possible.

  • Executive speaker visits
  • Local company visits
  • Career fairs
  • Company information sessions
Our students are never alone in building a strategy for landing a great job or promotion after graduation or even during the program. With the assistance of our MSF career coach, you’ll develop a custom strategy designed to get you from options to offer.

Before you venture into the world to network and interview with future employers, we provide you an array of resources to help ensure you are ready to showcase your best attributes. From basics, such as delivering a proper handshake or delivering a crisp elevator pitch, to something with countless intricacies, such as the etiquette of conducting an interview over lunch, our career counselors help our students understand the all-too-important intangibles of the career search.

  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Elevator pitch
  • Workshops and conference preparation sessions
  • Mock interviews
  • Informational interview preparation
We know that one of the biggest keys to our students finding great jobs is networking, and it’s our goal to generate as many opportunities as possible to connect students with potential employers. Whether it’s a company information session or on-campus interviews, a career fair or an alumni networking event, the opportunities to network and start building relationships start on day one. We give you the skills and confidence, provide access to opportunity and then let you make the magic happen.

  • ConnectU
  • Access to local and national job postings
  • Internship search assistance
  • On-campus recruiters / interviewing
  • Company information sessions
  • Alumni networking events

For students who engage with career management resources from day one, success isn’t a question; it’s a certainty. And believe it or not, managing multiple offers or negotiating salary can be tricky terrain even for veterans. Our staff stands beside you during this part of your journey, with expert guidance and advice on how to transition your MSF into the job of your dreams.

  • Develop a professional social media presence
  • Mock interviews
  • Statistical information about standard salaries and industry offers
  • Offer negotiation / salary and benefits