Debra Scammon and colleagues Lee Ellington, College of Nursing, and Rebecca Utz, College of Social and Behavioral Science, were recently awarded the initial Innovations in Aging Research grant from the University’s Center on Aging. Through their project, “One U for Caregiving Science: Strengthening Partnerships and Leveraging Existing Expertise for Excellence” they will coordinate and support campus-wide extramural grant submissions from interdisciplinary research teams focused on family caregiving and aging.
Scammon, Ellington and Utz each current lead an extramurally funded program of research related to family caregiving and is actively engaged in caregiving and aging related activities on campus, in our community, in Utah, and nationally. They are ideally poised to solidify the University of Utah’s path to becoming a national leader in caregiving and aging science.
Debra L. Scammon is an Emma Eccles Jones Professor of Marketing and adjunct professor in the Department of Family & Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Utah, and she served as the Director of the Masters of Healthcare Administration program at the David Eccles School of Business until 2018.