Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Eccles School students reflect on lessons learned during Fall Break

This past week was Fall Break at the University of Utah. While most students used this week to forget about school, plenty of students used this time to continue pursuing their education and career goals. We asked three students from the David Eccles School of Business about what they did for Fall Break and how they used the resources provided by the Eccles School at the University of Utah to help them have the best break possible.

Jaxon, Sophomore

For Jaxon’s fall break, he had the opportunity to go to Peru as member of the Business Scholars’ Eccles Ambassador team. Here is a snippet of Jaxon’s experience:

“Being in Peru over Fall Break was incredible. We had the opportunity to learn about global supply chain and sustainability by visiting a blueberry farm and grape vineyard. Executives spoke about the supply chain, which provided us with a whole new perspective to the complicated world of produce. The grapes and blueberries we see at our supermarket went through a precise and delicate path to get there for you and I to eat. We were also able to enjoy Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines, amazing food, riding dune buggies in the desert, and don’t even get me started on the alpacas. I am beyond grateful that my business school provides international experiences for me to learn, grow, and, of course, have fun.”

Madison, Senior

Madison planned a trip to New York City and Washington, D.C. for her Fall Break to explore possibilities of future careers and spend some time with friends and family. Madison met with some of her University of Utah alumni friends that now live and work in Washington D.C., and learned more about their life after graduation, their careers, and how they adapted to a new lifestyle across the country. One of Madison’s friends took her to a University of Utah Hinckley Alumni event while she was in town where she had the opportunity to meet many other University of Utah graduates, learn more about their career experiences and what it is like working on Capitol Hill. Madison broadened her perspectives to potential careers and this trip helped her to narrow down where she wants to move and work after graduation.

Derek, Freshman

Derek is a Make Space Mentor at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, and for his Fall Break, he visited his girlfriend in California. In preparation, he utilized the resources in the Make Space to create thoughtful gifts for his girlfriend. Here is what he said about giving these gifts to her:

“Before I left for California, I went into the Make Space and made two black vinyl San Diego State stickers, where she goes to school, then I made her a red 3D printed block U. When I gave both to her, she was so happy! I was glad for the opportunity to learn these new skills in Lassonde Studios and be able put them into use in a meaningful way.”

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